Life Update

It just dawned on me a few days ago that it’s been over a year since I posted on here. Not sure who is actually reading my blog posts besides my close friends and family, but I thought a short life update would be a good reflection for me and to those who will eventually stumble on this post.

Soo…what have I been up to? Well let’s see during my last blog post, I was searching and applying for jobs since having graduated from my Master’s program. It wasn’t a fun period of time for me with pressure coming from family, but in the end it all worked out.

On September 3rd, 2021, I accepted an offer for a job. You know the idea of a job never enticed me unless It had something to do with what I went to school for or was remotely too excited about. The idea of working just to work did not make me happy at all, hence how long it took for me to find the right fit. Also just trusting God’s timing for the perfect fit.

I lost my best friend during this time and celebrated another in her nuptials. September 2021 was a life changing month for me, but I’m doing GOOD now all else considered.

I’m currently living in the PNW, no roommates #adulting. And no I have not done or considered doing any hikes just yet. I am loving my job so far- so what is it that I actually do, well like most living in the PNW I work for a tech startup as a Data Scientist- shout out to using my degree.


There is so much I could share, but just know that 2022 has been a great year. I travelled, hit a few goals on my vision board, finally got invisalign(been a long time coming for that one) and happily looking forward to all God has in store for me in 2023.

What are you most looking forward to in 2023?

Looking forward to hearing everyone’s goals, plans and even visions for the coming year!



  1. B
    January 7, 2023 / 11:54 pm

    Looking to a season of rest!!!

    • Dorothy
      January 9, 2023 / 2:57 pm

      Me too! 😊

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